
Vision Trip 052924


Ten Thompson Thrift team members, along with Dana Simons from Next Step, traveled to Panama from Friday, May 17, to Tuesday, May 21, to participate in a Vision Trip hosted by ICM, one of our global partners.

The team traveled to remote regions in Panama to visit five churches, meet with two additional pastors, distribute six backpacks of training materials to local pastors among the indigenous communities, and provide bags of activities and games to each church for use in the children's ministries. During the Vision Trip, the team also dedicated a Hope Center (children's center), funded by the TT Foundation, at the Cathedral of Hope Church. Currently, TT Serve is funding the construction of three additional Hope Centers in Panama.

“To say I am grateful for the opportunity to participate in the Panama Vision trip seems like a significant understatement. I’ve heard these trips often described as ‘life changing’, but that doesn’t seem to do it justice either. I went into the trip with an open heart and an open mind which allowed me to have a truly rewarding and impactful experience. Not only was I impacted by the people (and especially the children) of Panama, but also by the TT team members on the trip with me. I am beyond thankful to have shared this experience with them and appreciate all of our open, honest and candid conversations.” - Angie, Director of Operations.
“Participating in a TT Serve Vision Trip is an absolute blessing as well as life changing in a lot of ways. Serving others always brings pure joy to the soul and allows us to see past our own selfishness. Returning from Panama I feel excited and motivated to improve my personal relationship with God. I will seek out more opportunities to serve my fellow brothers and sisters in need as well as my community. I’m blessed to be a part of a company that gives so freely to those in need. Thank you Thompson Thrift and the Leadership of the TT Serve program.” – Mike, Owner’s Representative.
“I've always wanted to go on a trip like a Vision Trip, and I'm so thankful for the opportunity. I learned so much about myself and my fellow travelers, and we bonded as a group during the experience. I realized that while we may grow up and live in any number of places, deep down people are the same and want the same things for our children. I highly recommend that all of our team members take advantage of this chance to travel and do good in the world.” – Dana, Senior Vice President – Associate General Counsel.
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